At CDN, we are fostering Open Science and Open Data through a series of recommendations. We follow the Charter of Good Practices for Open Sciences, adopted by the Observatoire de Paris, in September 2018. The main points of this charter are:
The application of these principles to the ORN is declined in several ways, beyond the principles stated above, which fully apply, for example, to the publications of research teams using the instruments of the ORN. Our goal is to provide FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and science ready products to the scientific community. This is achieved through the following actions:
An inventory of the data collections related to ORN’s activity is compiled and updated regularly. This concerns both the digital collections hosted on the site’s servers, but also the old collections of data on analogue media (film, tape…) and also collections hosted in other institutes or data centres. The listed collections will enter into a virtuous process of openness that will lead to better scientific visibility and facilitate their reuse.